Ontario stress counsellor Heidi Cowie realized that there is a big need to provide help in a different way. She decided it was time to act and started Stress Chat, a web-based counselling service available through online appointments and through live online chat. Stress Chat offers individual counselling as well as corporate programs. Clients are in control through making appointments online or through anonymous online chat in the case of an emergency. Stress Chat has a group of qualified and experienced stress counsellors on staff - an individual is paired with the most suitable counsellor after an initial online assessment.
Applecore is pleased to have partnered with Heidi to create her new website. Considering the health impact of unmanaged stress, this web-based service can prove to be invaluable to you and your work place. It is available when needed, offers help and is anonymous.
If you are considering personal counselling or a corporate program for your organization, visit stresschat.ca.