Monday, July 19, 2010

Social Media Challenges- A List to Help You Overcome Them

Jeremiah Owyangn, Industry Analyst, Founding Partner for Altimeter Group, and Columnist for Forbes CMO Network writes:

Matrix: Challenges of the Social Technology Industry, July 2010 Edition

While the opportunities for social technologies to change the world, business, and our individual lives continue to unveil, it’s also key to focus in on the challenges that impact the industry. For many folks who have decided to invest in social technologies to improve their careers and business, it’s even more important to pay attention to these challenges.

First of all, have the right mindset. The savvy person will realize this isn’t a list of gripes, but instead an opportunity list. Leaders at vendors, agencies, or brands will see these list of challenges of problems to fix and monetize. If you’re in this space, you’ll want to send this list to your product teams, or strategy teams so they can think about how to solve many of these issues –or at a minimum,be prepared for it.

For the detailed list of social media challenges visit: