Flat Stanley is a flat character that travels all over the globe and writes about his travels and collects photographs as part of an education initiative on behalf of K-12 students. A school in Corner Brook, Newfoundland approached TA with a request to take Flat Stanley with her on her arduous training schedule and on the expedition planned to start at the end of March.
Applecore has been sponsoring professor in Outdoor Recreation, TA Loeffler on expeditions to 6 of the world's 7 tallest peaks and our flag will travel with TA once more on her second attempt to summit Everest.
TA's inspiring message to our team on Friday again asked the question of what our individual and collective Everests are. She shared her lessons from high places - wisdom collected about holding the vision of the the peak while taking the steps - with Applecore's team who has been supporting her marketing and PR online and offline since 2005. Visit TA's website for more photographs and information.

TA Loeffler and the Applecore flag at the summit of Mount Elbrus in Russia, Europe's highest peak.

Summit of Kilimanjaro 2008, highest peak in Africa.

Ojos de Salado, Chile, highest peak in South America.

Not a flag this time, but an apple that mysteriously disappeared from our board room - on the summit of Aconcagua in Argentina.