Monday, November 17, 2008

Juggling Instructions

1. Start with two balls, one in each hand. Throw a ball from one hand to the other in an arc type toss.

2. When the ball reaches its highest point throw the next ball in a similar arc such that their paths do not cross.

3. Continue juggling until you are comfortable. Then start with two balls in your strong hand and the last ball in the other hand. Using the same directions above throw one ball from your strong hand up in an arc. When the first ball reaches its peak, toss the ball from your other hand. When that ball reaches its peak toss the third ball. At this point you should have already caught the first ball. Continue in this pattern throwing the balls back and forth.

4. A tip: when you do start with three balls, don’t worry so much about catching the balls as focusing on throwing them at the right time in a nice arc.