Wednesday, June 17, 2009

AI Supports TA!

Just another adventure for Applecore’s longtime friend TA Loeffler. Starting at 12 noon on June 24th (which just happens to be her birthday) TA Loeffler will be climbing Signal Hill 10 times to raise funds for prostate cancer research. In addition to spreading awareness, this is also the final preparation for TA's forthcoming effort to summit Mount Elbrus (Europe's highest peak) an adventure that will be beginning in July. You can read all about that particular adventure at TA’s website.

If there’s one thing Applecore can get behind, it’s a good cause, so the entire office will be joining her on the last leg of her climb. We’re excited to play even a tiny part in such a useful, awareness-building cause… and we’ll definitely be snapping a few pictures after we’ve finished the climb!

TA is inviting us to join her for a leg of the walk or two (which takes about 20-25 minutes) and wear sky blue (the awareness colour of prostate cancer). TA is also asking well-wishers to consider making a donation to the Canadian Prostate Cancer Network in lieu of a gift or card.

As extra incentive, birthday cake is waiting at the top. Check back here for the wrap-up!

Join the Facebook event.

Learn more about TA Loeffler.

Donate to Canadian Prostate Cancer Network.