The new logo is created out of two embracing semi-circles, completing a circle symbolic of two entities holding hands or connecting around a common purpose. The heads overlap to form a single central core as a single focus and a common goal.
The colours red and green are symbolic of "stop" and "go" with red representing the barriers faced by persons with disabilities and green representing the work of CODNL - the removal of these barriers. This abstract representation also represents the abbreviated name for the organisation - COD.
President Michelle Murdoch spoke about the realities encountered by persons with various disabilities and in particular the role of public transport in the lives of individuals depending on it for their mobility. Michelle also referred to her fondness of the Internet, a technology that has been a liberating force in the lives of many persons with disabilities.
The team at Applecore has been privileged to work with CODNL, as Applecore partner and co-founder Wilma Hartmann said at the unveiling. The creative process starts with active listening to develop a deeper understanding. In this case it has been an education of many misperceptions related to disabilities and the importance of public policies that protect and support the interests of persons with disabilities.
The unveiling of the logo was followed by the official launch of the new website and the cutting of a birthday cake in celebration of the 30th year of CODNLs existence.